Using Adverbials in Non-Fiction Texts


  1. What is an Adverbial? 
  2. What kind of grammatical units (structures) can function as Adverbial?
  3. What is a 'fronted Adverbial'? 
  4. Why do writers use Adverbials? Why do they move them around in sentences? 

An adverbial:

Activity 1

Three sentences have been broken apart into main clauses and Adverbials.

A) we discovered that nothing had been done to solve the problem
B) coarse sand beaches are found where either wave action or longshore currents are high
C) the ball should be thrown forward wherever possible
2) very soon afterwards
3) because the distribution of particle sizes relates directly to water velocity
1) in accordance with the principle of direct play

Here are the most plasuible combinations: A2, B3, C1

You will see in part 2 how these sentences fit into longer texts. 


  1. How did you know which Adverbial matched with which main clause? 
  2. How did you decide where to place the Adverbial?
  3. What kind of text does each sentence come from? 

Activity 2

You could probably work out how to match the sentence based on the content and how they two parts made sense together. This is called cohesion. Sentences usually contain related information and ideas, presented in some kind of logical order. We use Adverbials to help present that order. 

What grammatical forms do the Adverbials take in the last activity? 


Bear in the notion of Adverbial refers to a grammatical function, along with SubjectObject, Modifier, etc.  

An Adverbial can be formed using different grammatical forms as we have just seen! They can be realised as: 

In part 2, you will look at how these three sentences create cohesion in texts. 


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